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See below all the current variables and their defaults set in Karma CSS


Its worth noting that when defining your own colours or buttons you dont need to copy all of them. You can start with an empty list, the existing ones will be merged in with yours. You will be left with your own and any from the defaults you did not define.

// start with these
$colors: ();
$buttons: ();
// Variables
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

// Options
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

// enable all container, row, col, order classes
$enable-grid-classes:           true !default;

// Typography
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

// Base font
$base-font-size:                15px !default;
$base-line-height:              1.6 !default;
$base-font-weight:              400 !default;

// Font Family
$base-font-family:              "Open Sans", sans-serif !default;
$header-font-family:            $base-font-family !default;
$code-font-family:              monospace, monospace !default;

// The font sizes for h1-h6.
$h1-font-size:                  2    * $base-font-size !default;
$h2-font-size:                  1.5  * $base-font-size !default;
$h3-font-size:                  1.17 * $base-font-size !default;
$h4-font-size:                  1    * $base-font-size !default;
$h5-font-size:                  0.83  * $base-font-size !default;
$h6-font-size:                  0.67  * $base-font-size !default;

$heading-font-weight:           400 !default;

$h1-font-weight:                $heading-font-weight !default;
$h2-font-weight:                $heading-font-weight !default;
$h3-font-weight:                $heading-font-weight !default;
$h4-font-weight:                $heading-font-weight !default;
$h5-font-weight:                $heading-font-weight !default;
$h6-font-weight:                $heading-font-weight !default;

$heading-margin:                0 0 1.5rem !default;

$h1-margin:                     $heading-margin !default;
$h2-margin:                     $heading-margin !default;
$h3-margin:                     $heading-margin !default;
$h4-margin:                     $heading-margin !default;
$h5-margin:                     $heading-margin !default;
$h6-margin:                     $heading-margin !default;

$h1-line-height:                1.2 !default;
$h2-line-height:                1.25 !default;
$h3-line-height:                1.3 !default;
$h4-line-height:                1.35 !default;
$h5-line-height:                1.5 !default;
$h6-line-height:                1.6 !default;

$strong-font-weight:            700 !default;
$lead-font-weight:              300 !default;
$small-font-size:               80% !default;

// Grid
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

$grid-breakpoints: (
  xs: 0,
  sm: 576px,
  md: 768px,
  lg: 992px,
  xl: 1200px
) !default;

$container-max-widths: (
  sm: 540px,
  md: 720px,
  lg: 960px,
  xl: 1140px
) !default;

$grid-columns:                  12 !default;
$grid-gutter-width:             30px !default;

// Styling
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

// colours
$colors: () !default;
$colors: map-merge(
    // required base colours
    "white":                  rgb(255, 255, 255),
    "black":                  rgb(17, 17, 17),
    "primary":                rgb(51, 195, 240),
    "secondary":              rgb(240, 240, 240),
    // Cool
    "aqua":                   rgb(127, 219, 255),
    "blue":                   rgb(0, 116, 217),
    "navy":                   rgb(0, 31, 63),
    "teal":                   rgb(57, 204, 204),
    "green":                  rgb(46, 204, 64),
    "olive":                  rgb(61, 153, 112),
    "lime":                   rgb(1, 255, 112),
    // Warm
    "yellow":                 rgb(255, 220, 0),
    "orange":                 rgb(255, 133, 27),
    "red":                    rgb(255, 65, 54),
    "fuchsia":                rgb(240, 18, 190),
    "purple":                 rgb(177, 13, 201),
    "maroon":                 rgb(133, 20, 75),
    // Other Greyscale
    "silver":                 rgb(221, 221, 221),
    "gray":                   rgb(170, 170, 170),
    // Social media, more can be found at
    "facebook":               rgb(59, 89, 153),
    "twitter":                rgb(85, 172, 238),
    "linkedin":               rgb(0, 119, 181),
    "googleplus":             rgb(221, 75, 57),
    "instagram":              rgb(228, 64, 95),
    "pinterest":              rgb(189, 8, 28)

// defined colors
$body-background:               rgb(255, 255, 255) !default;
$font-color:                    rgb(62, 62, 62) !default;
$header-font-color:             $font-color !default;

// borders
$border-width:                  1px !default;
$border-color:                  rgb(230, 230, 230) !default;

// animation
$animation-speed-slow:          0.5s !default;
$animation-speed-fast:          0.18s !default;

// misc
$generic-margin-bottom:         1.5rem !default; // used as a starting point for other variables
$global-radius:                 0.25rem !default;
$darken-hover-percent:          10% !default; // used within hovers in links and buttons
$muted-opacity:                 0.7 !default; // opacity thats set in the .muted helper class

// paragraph
$paragraph-margin-bottom:       $generic-margin-bottom !default;

// image
$figure-margin-bottom:          $generic-margin-bottom !default;

// links
$link-color:                    map-get($colors, "primary") !default;
$link-color-hover:              darken($link-color, $darken-hover-percent) !default;
$link-decoration:               none !default;
$link-decoration-hover:         none !default;
$link-transition:               color linear $animation-speed-fast !default;

// lists
$ul-list-padding-left:          0 !default;
$ul-list-style:                 circle inside !default;
$ul-list-margin-bottom:         $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$ul-list-nested-margin:         0 0 0 2rem !default;

$ol-list-padding-left:          0 !default;
$ol-list-style:                 decimal inside !default;
$ol-list-margin-bottom:         $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$ol-list-nested-margin:         0 0 0 2rem !default;

$dl-margin-bottom:              $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$dt-margin:                     0 0 0 0 !default;
$dd-margin:                     0 0 $generic-margin-bottom 2rem !default;

// buttons
$buttons: () !default;
$buttons: map-merge(
    // name         color                          font-color
    primary:        map-get($colors, "primary")      map-get($colors, "white"),
    secondary:      map-get($colors, "secondary")    map-get($colors, "black")

$button-border-width:           $border-width !default;
$button-border-radius:          $global-radius !default;
$button-font-size:              1.5rem !default;
$button-font-weight:            400 !default;
$button-line-height:            1.5 !default;
$button-padding-y:              0.8rem !default;
$button-padding-x:              1rem !default;
$button-transition:             background-color linear $animation-speed-fast, border-color linear $animation-speed-fast !default;

// the below applies to the default button class only `.button`
$button-default-border-color:   $border-color !default;
$button-default-bg-color:       map-get($colors, "white") !default;
$button-default-font-color:     $font-color !default;

// forms
$form-margin-bottom:            $generic-margin-bottom !default;

$input-use-full-width:          false !default; // false = max-width:100%, true = width:100%
$input-background:              rgb(255, 255, 255) !default;
$input-border-radius:           $global-radius !default;
$input-border-width:            $border-width !default;
$input-border-color:            $border-color !default;
$input-font-size:               1.5rem !default;
$input-font-weight:             $base-font-weight !default;
$input-font-color:              $font-color !default;
$input-line-height:             1.5 !default;
$input-padding-y:               0.8rem !default;
$input-padding-x:               1rem !default;
$input-placeholder-color:       rgb(185, 185, 185) !default;
$input-margin-bottom:           1.5rem !default;
$input-transition:              background linear $animation-speed-fast, border-color linear $animation-speed-fast !default;

$input-background-focus:        $input-background !default;
$input-border-color-focus:      map-get($colors, primary) !default;

// these should not need changing, they are used to force selects to the same height as inputs
$input-height-border:           $input-border-width * 2 !default;
$input-height-inner:            ($input-padding-y * 2) + ($input-font-size * $input-line-height) !default;
$input-height:                  calc(#{$input-height-inner} + #{$input-height-border}) !default;

// labels
$label-font-weight:             600 !default;

// tables
$table-margin-bottom:           $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$table-background-color:        transparent !default;
$table-border-width:            $border-width !default;
$table-border-color:            $border-color !default;
$table-cell-padding:            0.85rem 0.85rem !default;
$table-font-size:               90% !default;
$table-headed-color:            rgb(240, 240, 240) !default;
$table-hover-color:             rgb(245, 245, 245) !default;
$table-striped-color:           rgb(250, 250, 250) !default;

// code
$code-border-width:             $border-width !default;
$code-border-color:             $border-color !default;
$code-border-radius:            $global-radius !default;
$code-background:               rgb(240, 240, 240) !default;
$code-font-color:               $font-color !default;
$code-font-size:                100% !default;
$code-padding:                  0.2rem 0.5rem !default;

// preformatted block
$pre-font-size:                 90% !default;
$pre-padding:                   1rem 1.5rem !default;
$pre-margin-bottom:             $generic-margin-bottom !default;

// blockquote
$blockquote-padding-x:          1.5rem !default;
$blockquote-padding-y:          1rem !default;
$blockquote-border-left-width:  3px !default;
$blockquote-border-left-color:  $border-color !default;
$blockquote-margin-bottom:      $generic-margin-bottom !default;

// hr
$hr-border-width:               $border-width !default;
$hr-border-color:               $border-color !default;
$hr-margin:                     1.5rem 0 !default;

// defined z-indexes and get with zindex('default')
$z-layers: (
  "default": 1
) !default;