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Karma CSS

Karma CSS is a great starting point if you only want a barebones boilerplate. Includes All fixes from Normalize.css for supported browsers, a powerful mobile-first flexbox grid system, all base styles and the ability to customize the defaults for most of the styled elements.

New in version 2 of Karma CSS!

We have introduced components into Karma CSS. These include:

Why create another library?

In a nutshell we wanted a basic set of styles that we can apply to our projects that mainly provide a consistent starting point for the css. We did not want to spend hours battling with vast arrays of component in large frameworks that unless you are prepared to invest more time tweaking and overriding styles, will inevitably look the same.

We wanted to be able to:

  • Hit the ground running
  • Quickly be able to adjust core styles to gain a different look
  • Build upon a simple base that will work with us rather than against us
  • Be able to easily create variations of elements such as buttons
  • Have a good set of useful mixins
  • For the css to look the same in all modern browsers

If this sounds like you give it a try. We welcome all feedback good or bad via Github.

Browser Support

We support all major browsers

  • Chrome >= 45
  • Firefox >= 38
  • Edge >= 12
  • Explorer >= 10
  • iOS >= 9
  • Safari >= 9
  • Android >= 4.4
  • Opera >= 30