See below all the current variables and their defaults set in Karma CSS
Its worth noting that when defining your own colours or buttons you dont need to copy all of them. You can start with an empty list, the existing ones will be merged in with yours. You will be left with your own and any from the defaults you did not define.
// start with these
$colors: ();
$buttons: ();
// Variables
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
// Options
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
// enable all container, row, col, order classes
$enable-grid-classes: true !default;
// Typography
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
// Base font
$base-font-size: 15px !default;
$base-line-height: 1.6 !default;
$base-font-weight: 400 !default;
// Font Family
$base-font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif !default;
$header-font-family: $base-font-family !default;
$code-font-family: monospace, monospace !default;
// The font sizes for h1-h6.
$h1-font-size: 2 * $base-font-size !default;
$h2-font-size: 1.5 * $base-font-size !default;
$h3-font-size: 1.17 * $base-font-size !default;
$h4-font-size: 1 * $base-font-size !default;
$h5-font-size: 0.83 * $base-font-size !default;
$h6-font-size: 0.67 * $base-font-size !default;
$heading-font-weight: 400 !default;
$h1-font-weight: $heading-font-weight !default;
$h2-font-weight: $heading-font-weight !default;
$h3-font-weight: $heading-font-weight !default;
$h4-font-weight: $heading-font-weight !default;
$h5-font-weight: $heading-font-weight !default;
$h6-font-weight: $heading-font-weight !default;
$heading-margin: 0 0 1.5rem !default;
$h1-margin: $heading-margin !default;
$h2-margin: $heading-margin !default;
$h3-margin: $heading-margin !default;
$h4-margin: $heading-margin !default;
$h5-margin: $heading-margin !default;
$h6-margin: $heading-margin !default;
$h1-line-height: 1.2 !default;
$h2-line-height: 1.25 !default;
$h3-line-height: 1.3 !default;
$h4-line-height: 1.35 !default;
$h5-line-height: 1.5 !default;
$h6-line-height: 1.6 !default;
$strong-font-weight: 700 !default;
$lead-font-weight: 300 !default;
$small-font-size: 80% !default;
// Grid
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
$grid-breakpoints: (
xs: 0,
sm: 576px,
md: 768px,
lg: 992px,
xl: 1200px
) !default;
$container-max-widths: (
sm: 540px,
md: 720px,
lg: 960px,
xl: 1140px
) !default;
$grid-columns: 12 !default;
$grid-gutter-width: 30px !default;
// Styling
// ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
// colours
$colors: () !default;
$colors: map-merge(
// required base colours
"white": rgb(255, 255, 255),
"black": rgb(17, 17, 17),
"primary": rgb(51, 195, 240),
"secondary": rgb(240, 240, 240),
// Cool
"aqua": rgb(127, 219, 255),
"blue": rgb(0, 116, 217),
"navy": rgb(0, 31, 63),
"teal": rgb(57, 204, 204),
"green": rgb(46, 204, 64),
"olive": rgb(61, 153, 112),
"lime": rgb(1, 255, 112),
// Warm
"yellow": rgb(255, 220, 0),
"orange": rgb(255, 133, 27),
"red": rgb(255, 65, 54),
"fuchsia": rgb(240, 18, 190),
"purple": rgb(177, 13, 201),
"maroon": rgb(133, 20, 75),
// Other Greyscale
"silver": rgb(221, 221, 221),
"gray": rgb(170, 170, 170),
// Social media, more can be found at
"facebook": rgb(59, 89, 153),
"twitter": rgb(85, 172, 238),
"linkedin": rgb(0, 119, 181),
"googleplus": rgb(221, 75, 57),
"instagram": rgb(228, 64, 95),
"pinterest": rgb(189, 8, 28)
// defined colors
$body-background: rgb(255, 255, 255) !default;
$font-color: rgb(62, 62, 62) !default;
$header-font-color: $font-color !default;
// borders
$border-width: 1px !default;
$border-color: rgb(230, 230, 230) !default;
// animation
$animation-speed-slow: 0.5s !default;
$animation-speed-fast: 0.18s !default;
// misc
$generic-margin-bottom: 1.5rem !default; // used as a starting point for other variables
$global-radius: 0.25rem !default;
$darken-hover-percent: 10% !default; // used within hovers in links and buttons
$muted-opacity: 0.7 !default; // opacity thats set in the .muted helper class
// paragraph
$paragraph-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
// image
$figure-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
// links
$link-color: map-get($colors, "primary") !default;
$link-color-hover: darken($link-color, $darken-hover-percent) !default;
$link-decoration: none !default;
$link-decoration-hover: none !default;
$link-transition: color linear $animation-speed-fast !default;
// lists
$ul-list-padding-left: 0 !default;
$ul-list-style: circle inside !default;
$ul-list-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$ul-list-nested-margin: 0 0 0 2rem !default;
$ol-list-padding-left: 0 !default;
$ol-list-style: decimal inside !default;
$ol-list-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$ol-list-nested-margin: 0 0 0 2rem !default;
$dl-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$dt-margin: 0 0 0 0 !default;
$dd-margin: 0 0 $generic-margin-bottom 2rem !default;
// buttons
$buttons: () !default;
$buttons: map-merge(
// name color font-color
primary: map-get($colors, "primary") map-get($colors, "white"),
secondary: map-get($colors, "secondary") map-get($colors, "black")
$button-border-width: $border-width !default;
$button-border-radius: $global-radius !default;
$button-font-size: 1.5rem !default;
$button-font-weight: 400 !default;
$button-line-height: 1.5 !default;
$button-padding-y: 0.8rem !default;
$button-padding-x: 1rem !default;
$button-transition: background-color linear $animation-speed-fast, border-color linear $animation-speed-fast !default;
// the below applies to the default button class only `.button`
$button-default-border-color: $border-color !default;
$button-default-bg-color: map-get($colors, "white") !default;
$button-default-font-color: $font-color !default;
// forms
$form-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$input-use-full-width: false !default; // false = max-width:100%, true = width:100%
$input-background: rgb(255, 255, 255) !default;
$input-border-radius: $global-radius !default;
$input-border-width: $border-width !default;
$input-border-color: $border-color !default;
$input-font-size: 1.5rem !default;
$input-font-weight: $base-font-weight !default;
$input-font-color: $font-color !default;
$input-line-height: 1.5 !default;
$input-padding-y: 0.8rem !default;
$input-padding-x: 1rem !default;
$input-placeholder-color: rgb(185, 185, 185) !default;
$input-margin-bottom: 1.5rem !default;
$input-transition: background linear $animation-speed-fast, border-color linear $animation-speed-fast !default;
$input-background-focus: $input-background !default;
$input-border-color-focus: map-get($colors, primary) !default;
// these should not need changing, they are used to force selects to the same height as inputs
$input-height-border: $input-border-width * 2 !default;
$input-height-inner: ($input-padding-y * 2) + ($input-font-size * $input-line-height) !default;
$input-height: calc(#{$input-height-inner} + #{$input-height-border}) !default;
// labels
$label-font-weight: 600 !default;
// tables
$table-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
$table-background-color: transparent !default;
$table-border-width: $border-width !default;
$table-border-color: $border-color !default;
$table-cell-padding: 0.85rem 0.85rem !default;
$table-font-size: 90% !default;
$table-headed-color: rgb(240, 240, 240) !default;
$table-hover-color: rgb(245, 245, 245) !default;
$table-striped-color: rgb(250, 250, 250) !default;
// code
$code-border-width: $border-width !default;
$code-border-color: $border-color !default;
$code-border-radius: $global-radius !default;
$code-background: rgb(240, 240, 240) !default;
$code-font-color: $font-color !default;
$code-font-size: 100% !default;
$code-padding: 0.2rem 0.5rem !default;
// preformatted block
$pre-font-size: 90% !default;
$pre-padding: 1rem 1.5rem !default;
$pre-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
// blockquote
$blockquote-padding-x: 1.5rem !default;
$blockquote-padding-y: 1rem !default;
$blockquote-border-left-width: 3px !default;
$blockquote-border-left-color: $border-color !default;
$blockquote-margin-bottom: $generic-margin-bottom !default;
// hr
$hr-border-width: $border-width !default;
$hr-border-color: $border-color !default;
$hr-margin: 1.5rem 0 !default;
// defined z-indexes and get with zindex('default')
$z-layers: (
"default": 1
) !default;